Basics of sustainable business Mission, vision and values

Mission vision and values

The mission of the LOTOS Group is innovative development in the field of petroleum extraction and processing and the distribution of top quality products in an environment-friendly manner in compliance with the energy security policy, to ensure full customer satisfaction, as well as the continuous improvement and use of the employee potential.

Grupa LOTOS strives to be the best appreciated oil company in the Baltic Sea region in terms of petroleum product quality, customer service and professional management.

The primary strategic goal of the LOTOS Group until 2012 is the development of the shareholder value, which the LOTOS Group intends to achieve through optimal use of the existing potential and the execution of development projects within the following three key areas of its operation: the upstream, refining and market activities.

Grupa LOTOS is committed to corporate social responsibility towards the community and natural environment, which translates into delivering products in such a manner so as not to allow for the degradation of the natural and social resources. The third strategic pillar is business responsibility for the product towards the State, the market, business partners, customers and employees. This responsibility is part of Grupa LOTOS management strategy that is aimed at increasing its value, and thus providing measurable social and business advantages.
Grupa LOTOS supports and applies in all its activities the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, the largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative, in the world. As a participant of this organisation, the Company is committed to:

  1. supporting and respecting internationally proclaimed human rights,
  2. eliminating any instances of human rights abuses by the Company,
  3. upholding the freedom of association,
  4. eliminating all forms of forced and compulsory labour,
  5. supporting the abolition of child labour,
  6. effectively counteracting discrimination in respect of employment and occupation,
  7. supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challanges,
  8. undertaking initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility,
  9. appling and diffusing environmentally friendly technologies, and
  10. working against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.


The superior values of the LOTOS Group’s social responsibility are related to the most important needs, problems and challenges identified in the course of the Company’s dialogue with the stakeholders groups that are key for its future:

cleanness openness innovation responsibility
is the observance of the top environmental and ecological standards as well as a declaration of ethical and fair competition, counteracting corruption and human rights violations. is the approach to changes, needs of the world and people's expectations, focused on the future and dynamic business development in its international dimension. is the appreciation of intellectual capital and competencies of the people, who stand behind the strength and market perspectives of the LOTOS brand. is the attitude to the future of the world community and the natural environment, towards the State and the safety of its position in the world.

Grupa LOTOS addresses its responsible practices to four key groups of stakeholders:

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